Nursing Care

Are you or your loved ones requiring extra medical attention but without being in a medical facility? Do you want to be looked after in the comfort of your home and retain your independence and privacy?

At Angels Home Care Services, we encourage comfort and convenience. We believe that most of your medical needs can be solved by professionals in your home especially at times you feel vulnerable.

Our expertly trained and registered nurses are at the core of our nursing care services, bringing certified expertise, extensive clinical knowledge and years of experience both in a medical facility and in the home. They work with you, your family, your doctor and any health professional you require to bring you the adequate clinical support you need.

Our nurses provide support for people of varying medical conditions ranging from neurological conditions to complex continence issues. They prioritise all clients’ needs and develop tailored packages that encourage them to live independently. We can offer 24-hour care or a visiting nurse. Whichever suits your needs the most.

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